Stunning Northern Lights aurora over Anglesey & North Wales

May 11, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Breathtaking Aurora display of the Northern lights over Anglesey in North Wales

An amazing aurora display of the Northern lights here in North Wales last night. I headed for Penmon lighthouse (Trywn Du) on the Isle of Anglesey hoping to capture the aurora and I wasn't disappointed. The Northen lights lit the skies above Penmon lighthouse for several hours, I arrived at 10.30pm and was still taking photos at 2.30am the next day. The aurora display was pretty spectacular with the skies full of amazing colours, at times almost like a rainbow. Feel free to have a browse of my North Wales aurora photos in my North Wales & Anglesey photo galleries.

Penmon lighthouse aurora northern lights anglesey north walesPenmon lighthouse Northern lights aurora AngleseyThe northern lights aurora light the skies above Penmon lighthouse, Trywn Du on the Isle of Anglesey in North Wales Anglesey Penmon lighthouse aurora northern lights North WalesNorthern lights aurora at Penmon lighthouseA stunning aurora display as the Northen lights fill the skies above Penmon lighthouse on Anglesey with spectacular colours

Anglesey Northern lights aurora display in North WalesNorthern lights above Anglesey in North WalesA stunning display of the aurora Northern lights above the skies of Anglesey in North Wales Northern lights aurora over the Great Orme in North WalesNorthern lights over the Great OrmeA stunning display of the Aurora, Northern lights over the Great Orme from Llanfairfechan


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