Loch Assynt misty morningA moody misty morning on Loch Assynt. This photo was taken with a 10 stop ND filter to flatten the water and give it that "Fine Art" look, it's black & white too.
Driving past Loch Assynt on a misty morning last week I spotted this little island in the loch covered with the iconic Scots Pine trees. The mountains were hidden by the mist so I went for the "Fine Art" look with this photo, using a 10stop ND filter to flatten out the water and a black & white conversion for the minimalist effect
A comprehensive photo location guidebook. Includes Snowdonia / Eryri, The Isle of Anglesey, The Llyn Peninsula, The North Wales coast and Llangollen and the Clwydian AONB. The book details over 100 locations with full directions, photography tips & hints, everything you need to make the most of your visit. The foreword is by Welsh wildlife presenter, Iolo Williams, best known as one of the main presenters on the BBC Two Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch series.
Simon's guidebook includes photo opportunities of all areas of North Wales expecially Eryri Snowdonia with its stunning mountain scenery and the beautiful beaches and coastline of Anglesey and the Llyn Peninsula. North East Wales photography locations include the rolling hills and valleys around Llangollen and the Clwydian Hills AONB. North Wales Calendar 2025 - NOW SOLD OUTThe North Wales Calendar 2025 is a premium quality double A4 wall calendar, printed on 250gsm high quality gloss finish paper, wire bound and hole punched for ease of hanging and supplied shrink-wrapped, Bilingual English / Welsh. This limited edition calendar includes 13 stunning photos including Eryri Snowdonia, Anglesey and the Llyn Peninsula by local photographer Simon Kitchin